Monday, January 31, 2011

Black Ops Zombies 4-Player Strategy Guide #2: Upper Couch Room

Rounds 1-5: LOBBY
  •  Zombie Entrances: 4 Windows (3 Downstairs and 1 Upstairs)
  • Guns Available: Olympia (500) (Downstairs beside window) and M14 (500)(Upstairs by right staircase)
  • Gun Suggestion(s): M1911 Pistol and/or M14
  • Mystery Box Available: Upstairs in between staircases
  • Dogs Safety Spot: Hallway by the door on the left side
  • Exit Strategy: Open the door (750) on the right side facing the theatre

Rounds 5-Onwards: UPPER COUCH ROOM 

  • Zombie Entrances: 1 Window, Rooftop and 1 Entrance
  • Guns Available: None but closest one is PM63 (1200 from wall near balcony on other room)
  • Gun Suggestion(s): LMG and Power Weapon (950 through mystery box)
  • Trap Available: Electric Barrier (1000) Switches are near the entrance hallway and one on the other side of room

  • Mystery Box Available: None but closest one is near entrance on the room before
  • Equipment Placement: Place claymores all over right side facing entrance
  • Dog Safety Spot: Other side of room window with hallway left side facing lobby

  • Exit Strategy:

    o   Throw Monkey bomb towards the other side of entrance
    o   Turn on electric barrier
    o   LAST RESORT: Open door (1000) on the right side towards Speed Cola Room and do right side laps strategy

    Things to Remember
    • Turn on power if there are enough points to open up the following doors:

    o   Door on the left of lobby (750)
    o   Door towards alley (1000)
    o   Door towards upper generator room (1250)
    o   Door leading theatre (1000)
    • To access Speed Cola open following doors from theatre:

    o   Door towards Dressing room (1000)
    o   Door towards Speed Cola room (1250)

    Suggested Equipment and Perks
    • Juggernaut (2500 by the theatre exit towards lobby on the right side)
    • Claymores (1000 by the theatre behind teleporter off wall)
    • Bowie Knife (3000 by the theatre exit towards lobby on the right side off wall)(helps with nova crawlers)
    • Speed Cola (3000 by the room between upstairs of lobby and dressing room)
    • Monkey Bombs (950 through mystery box)
    • Quick Revive (1500)
    • Double Tap (2500 by the back entrance of fire room outside alley)

    •  Only 1 Window
    • 3 People can concentrate on killing zombies from main entrance and roof
    • If positioned correctly, zombies can come in one straight line from entrance
    • Can be used as a transition area towards other strategies

    •  Hard to kill nova crawlers
    • Could easily be cornered
    •  Far from Electric Barrier
    • Zombies from roof would not be affected from barrier
    •  No other safe area to throw monkey bomb
    • Quite far from power ups

    Did we miss anything? Please leave a comment!:)

    Tuesday, January 18, 2011

    Black Ops Zombies 4-Player Strategy Guide #1: Generator Room

    Kino der Toten Map

    Rounds 1-5: LOBBY

    • Zombie Entrances: 4 Windows (3 Downstairs and 1 Upstairs)
    • Guns Available: Olympia (500) (Downstairs beside window) and M14 (500)(Upstairs by right staircase)
    • Gun Suggestion(s): M1911 Pistol and/or M14
    • Mystery Box Available: Upstairs in between staircases
    • Dogs Safety Spot: Hallway by the door on the left side
    • Exit Strategy: Open the door (750) on the left side facing the theatre
    Rounds 5-8: FIRE ROOM

    • Zombie Entrances: 2 Windows and 1 Doorway (2 Windows on each side and 1 Main doorway facing lobby)
    • Guns Available: MPL (1000)
    • Gun Suggestion(s): MPL and Secondary Gun (M1911, M14 or Olympia)
    • Mystery Box Available: Beside door leading towards Alley

    • Dog Safety Spot: Right side opening if facing entrance or back area with 2 on each side facing entrance in between middle obstruction 
    • Exit Strategy: Open the door (1000) on the backside towards alley and Gate towards the Upper generator room (1250)
    Rounds 9-Onwards: GENERATOR ROOM

    • Zombie Entrances: 2 Windows and 1 Doorway (2 windows on each side and 1 Main doorway from staircase)
    • Guns Available: None but closest is AK74u (1200) from alley
    • Gun Suggestion(s): LMG and Power Weapon (950 through mystery box)
    • Trap Available: Electric Barrier (1000) Switches are near the stair case 
    • Mystery Box Available: Behind the window on the right side of the room facing alley
    • Equipment Placement: Place claymores behind Staircase and behind each windows
    • Dog Safety Spot: Window with hallway near mystery box
    • Exit Strategy: 
                     o   Throw monkey bomb outside window towards alley
                     o   Turn on electric barrier
                     o   LAST RESORT: Open the door leading to theatre (1000) and 
                                                  do the laps strategy

    Things to Remember
    • Turn on power if there are enough points to open up the following doors:
    o   Door on the right of lobby (750)
    o   Door leading downstairs towards speed cola room (1000)
    o   Door leading towards dressing room (1250)
    o   Door leading theatre (1250)

    Suggested Equipment and Perks
    • Juggernaut (2500 by the theatre exit towards lobby on the right side)
    • Claymores (1000 by the theatre behind teleporter off wall)
    • Speed Cola (3000 by the room between upstairs of lobby and dressing room)
    • Monkey Bombs (950 through mystery box)
    • Quick Revive (1500 by downstairs of lobby)
    • Bowie Knife (3000 by the theatre exit towards lobby on the right side off wall)
    • Double Tap (2500 by the back entrance of fire room outside alley)

    • Only 3 zombie entrances
    • Nova crawlers don’t spawn
    • Zombies come up in straight line from staircase
    • Room has one mystery box in case of fire sale
    • Electric Barrier available to use
    • No guns available off the wall
    • Quite far from power ups
    • Could be dangerous if zombies come in through the windows
    • Harder to shoot downwards

    Did we miss anything? Please leave a comment!:)

    Sunday, January 9, 2011

    New Teaser Video Now Launched on YouTube!

    Hi everybody we just launched our teaser video for our YouTube Channel: 4G - Good Girls Gone Gaming Video! Please Check it out! :D

    In case you're wondering why there are guys in the video, they are our friends who are helping us out right now. We are short in girl players as of the moment. That's why this is a call out to all female gamers out there! We need to shine! :)

    Credits to the music:
    Become the Heavens - Dan-O at
    Uncaged Czarina - Dan-O at

    Thursday, January 6, 2011

    Blog Introduction

    Welcome to our Blog:  Good Girls Gone Gaming!
    ..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-.. -..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-.. 

    Who we are:
    We are just a group of girls who just likes to play video games for fun.  Some of our favourite video games are Zombies which are both from Call of Duty: World at War and Black Ops.

    What we do:
    Our main focus for this channel is to put out both fun and educational contents about video games from a female’s perspective.

    Gaming consoles we have:
    We mostly play on the PS3. However, we also have the PC, Wii and other handheld devices like the iPhone, PSP and Nintendo DS as well.

    Video Games we cover:
    We are only concentrating on Black Ops Zombies at the moment.

    What we are currently working on:
    Black Ops Zombies 4 Player Kino Strategy Guides
    Black Ops Zombies Special Episode
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    Other Information:

    PSN: MissZombieLady

    We hope to see you all very soon! :)